Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Merger Madness

Ladies and Gentlemen I would like to talk about the incredible merger between both JP Morgan and Bear Stearns. First of all I will tell you that it is not going to be settled this week. I made a call last week that it would be a smart move to buy BSC right after is huge drop when JP Morgan made statements that they were going to buy it for $2 a share. My reasoning for this was due to BSC being worth much more than that. After this call BSC has gone up over 10 points, which is quite a lot for anyone who took my advice. I think that BSC will hover around its current price but it is now at a fairly rough place to enter. I do think that it has a few more points to go up with, but overall it is going to be bought within the next two weeks. This agreement is very interesting, and also very rough to get through, but thanks to JPM there is still hope for the once promising financial firm of Bear Stearns.

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